This is not something new, you can Google and find a great deal of same topics such as; Dota 2 vs LoL, Dota 2 vs Heroes of the Storm, HoS vs LoL… etc.
But most of the people don’t like reading long paragraphs just to learn a small amount of information… I am among them! I don’t like word salads about such topics so I will cut to the chase and I will try to make it as short and useful as possible.
First, you need to understand that these 3 games 롤 대리 are very different from each other despite being in the same genre: MOBA. And these 3 MOBA games are perfectly fun and they are the most popular ones of their genre. And thus, it is so very normal that you love 1 of them much more than other 2. However, it’s not normal to trash talk about other 2 you don’t like as much as your favorite. Don’t do it! You seem like a moron when you do that so stop it for your own good!
Don’t even read paragraphs starting like: “This is the best, that is the worst… “, “Not even worth comparing the answer is clear… “, “This is just a copy of that… “… etc. Just run away from stupid content, your brain deserves it!
Now here, I will try to share my and only my own thoughts with you.
Features of Dota 2:
*All heroes are unlocked
Thank you for this Valve! This is really good, I hate the way other companies sell heroes. Yes, we don’t have to spend our real money but, in this case, we have to spend hours of hours gameplay and spend a great deal of in-game currency to unlock a hero to play. Dota 2 lets us play all the available heroes at no cost, that is a big plus. Don’t forget, you can still support buying awesome skins.
When compared to LoL and HoS, Dota 2 is more punishing when you feed your enemies or vice versa; it is more rewarding for your kills. So you can count this however you like; rewarding or punishing. Feeding and getting fed really matter in Dota 2, more than in LoL and HoS. Don’t do stupid mistakes, your enemies may (and probably will) make the most of your stupid mistakes!
*Items are very important
In Dota 2 you have to choose your items really carefully, some items are really hard to get, you have to save a good amount of gold without dying, you also have to deal with courier micro controls when you have enough of gold. Most of the usable items almost change your hero’s mechanics and the match! Also, your enemies will do their best to avoid getting killed and you have to farm carefully, it is not easy to buy items, so be sure that you buy the best item according to your budget. Be sure to buy the item you can make the most of.
*Hero selection and meta
I know that you are thinking it is important for LoL and HoS too. Well… Not all of us attend tournaments, not most of us are “Challenger”. I am myself diamond 3 in LoL, 2.5K MMR in Dota 2 and 25 in HoS. I can say that I have never picked calculating “counter-picks” in LoL or HoS, In fact, most of the time I picked what I wanted! But in Dota 2 this situation is crucial even for 2K MMR. If you want to make your winning chance higher, you need to take your enemy team into consideration and have a good pick. There are even times that picking the right role is not enough, you need to pick a specific hero for certain reasons.